Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Hey everybody!
Jen and I finally got most of our ducks in a row and put a video test together! Here we are just dancing around with puppets to a song. It's the first time either of us has really done any puppeteering, so go easy on us... this is also the first time we've built real foam puppets, thank you Project Puppet. As I've written before the greenscreen is simple gartorboard painted with home depot house paint, and nailed to the studio's rafters. We just used the final cut pro color keying settings for this one. Next time we do an after effects pass first. OH Yeah! AAAnd we accidentally left one of the lights off so the puppets are dark on one side! We rock so hard...still it came out all right, I think.


craig clark said...

Fun stuff Joe! Puppet power!

Danica Sheridan said...

OMG! I am laughing so hard it HURTS!

This is just GREAT! I love the way the dragon sock puppet looks onscreen. The curvy articulation is just right.

You're kids are gonna me SO jealous when they find out that... while they were in school YOU guys got to play with PUPPETS!
